Graduation time is here and all around an we can see trappings of success and results of hard work and steely determination through the years. Marching gowns and togas, diploma, medals and scholarship awards are all over Congratulations to all of our graduates this year. You are deserving of all the accolades. And we praise God for making it possible for you to achieve success in your school work.

Some of you will be proceeding to the work place and will start looking for jobs that will match your skills and training. The rest of you will want to reward yourselves with a carefree summer break while you prepare for a new term as you make your way to the top of the education ladder.

What all of you must remember is to make sure you have obtained or are obtaining an education that is true and that you are fulfilling the purpose and goal of this kind of education. This is not a school that we graduate tram. In fact it is something that we are enrolled in for as long as we live and while we are on this side of heaven.

The servant of the Lord says true education is that which trains youth and students for the life that now is and the life that is to come (Fundamentals of True Education, 327). She also has said that the object of education is “to restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created” (Education, 15-16).

If you feel that your education has trained you for life here on earth and prepared you for the life in the earth made new; and if in your soul the image of God is being restored and you are steadily and surely moving to the perfection in which man was created., then you arc experiencing real educational success. And this success is greater than any of the degrees, diplomas and awards you have earned or will ever achieve.

So again, congratulations. And wishing you more success in your educational pursuits.

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