In my reading I came across an interesting study about how the state of the mind specifically as it relates to forgiveness or grudge holding can literally have its effect on body weight and the way a person is able to carry or lift himself up.

At the Erasmus University in the Netherlands, researchers asked people to write about a time when they either gave or withheld forgiveness. They were then asked to jump as high as they could, five times, without bending their knees. Those who had forgiven the ones who wronged them jumped an average of about 11.8 inches, while those who continued to hold grudges jumped 8.5 inches. The study showed that there was a huge difference in how high the two groups could jump and is a startling illustration of how forgiveness can actually unburden a person.

We sing songs about the burden of sin in our hearts being lifted at Calvary. We talk about being weighted down with the load of guilt. And how we feel so lighthearted and happy once we receive Gods forgiveness and offer the same to those who have offended us. Scientific evidence is corroborating this Biblical truth. It is no longer simply symbolical but is literally true.

Let us thank God for His forgiving grace and let us be ready to offer it those who need it from us. This brings joy to our hearts, spring in our footsteps and the load of hatred, resentment and bitterness off our souls.

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